Saturday, November 22, 2008

Playtime at Barnes and Nobles

For the last week or so the weather here has been pretty crappy; rainy, windy, cloudy and just plain cold! And Hannah has been hanging onto a cold for about two weeks, so between the weather and her cold she hasn't been outside much and she's starting to get a TAD restless. There are no indoor play areas around here so today I decided to take her to Barnes and Nobles to play in the kid section. We went after lunch. I got a coffee and sat down with some math problems and let her go to town on the train set, which she loves! It turned out to be a great outing. There were some other kids there for her to interact and I didn't get a lot of studying done, but I did get some done. We stayed for about an hour, then rounded up our stuff and headed home. We actually had such a good time, that I'm planning on doing it again. Who knew that Barnes and Nobles was so functional!

Fall Leaves

It's gotten pretty darn cold here, and the leaves are all fallen off the trees by now. Last weekend, raked up a big pile in the front yard, and then we threw Hannah in the middle. She wasn't quite sure what to do at first, so I jumped in with her for a few minutes until she understood what jumping in leaves means.....playing! She had fun, until her clothes got damp from the damp leaves.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trick or Treat


Welp. this one is only a week and a couple days late, right?! Halloween was fun, and mildly disappointing. David was not able to make it home in time to take Hannah trick or treating, which we were both disappointed about but Hannah and I still had a good time. I took her to our church, which had trunk or treating. It didn't take Hannah long to catch on to the concept of grabbing her candy. THe church had a couple of big blow up things for kids to bounce around in. I felt bad for Hannah, she realy wanted to climb up in one of them, but there were a lot of older kids in them and I think she would've been run over. After hanging out at the church for a little bit, we went over to the mall. I chose these two places so that Hannah could have a little more freedom. She grabbed a litte more candy at the mall and then plopped down in front of a fountain and had a snack. It was really cute. Tonight she finished the last of her candy. Which reminds me of a cute story. On Thursday morning, I found her plopped down on the kitchen floor, in front of the dishwasher, which I use as a giant breadbox and where her candy was. She had figured out how to get into the and was sitting there eating her candy, at 7 a.m.!

Hannah's amazing music

David has pondered for some time now picking up the guitar and learning to play it. And following the advice of a wise man, we took one from his mom that's pretty worthless in order for David to determine whether it was something he actually wanted to do. He still hasn't done anything with it, but Hannah sure has. I now have it sitting out with Hannah's stuff so that she can continue to play it. It's really cute to see her strumming it. The other photo is one we took this morning before church. We all looked really nice, so I made David conform to a family photo. Hannah had a good time at church, and finally adjusting to the time change. On Tuesday we're going to story time at our local library.