Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No time for nap

Such a great day!
We had a mommie and Hannah day yesterday.  I've been trying to have them when I can before the baby comes.  I didn't have to take Braylon to school yesterday, so that's when I decided to keep Hannah home.  We played in her playhouse and swung on the swing set, among other thing.  She had so much fun.  She stayed busy all day.  

Playing her in playhouse.  

Her artistic side on the whiteboard wall in her playhouse.  

Mom peeking in.

I really like her drawing.  

Check out those dirt smudges!

She's getting pretty good at doing this on her own.  

One dirty kid.  

Monday, February 21, 2011

Zing Zang Zoom

It's taken me awhile to get to this post.  I wasn't going to post, simply because most of my pictures didn't come out.  I don't like doing too many picture-less posts.  But I finally looked at the pictures and decided to tell the story of Hannah's first trip to the circus.  We surprised her.  It worked out great, since it was a last minute decision to go!  Some of our friends were going on this particular Saturday and they called us late Saturday morning to see if we wanted to join them.  We tried getting seats by them, but it didn't pan out that way.  We told Hannah we had a surprise that we were taking her too, but left it at that for awhile.  On the way there we were giving her hints, listing the things she would see.  She had no idea though!  We got there early enough for the pre-show.  David was very excited.  He kept talking about this giant program book that he used to get.  

The Pre Show

 This was Hannah's expression through out the show.  She was amazed, and
paying no attention to anything other than the show.  

 Sandy the elephant.

Here you can see David smiling.  

 Most of my shots of the show came out blurry because of the low light 
and how far away we were.  

Hard to see, but this is the motorcycle tight rope act.  I really liked this.  

A blurry shot of Hannah, totally ignoring me!

At the end of the day we left with one giant program, an elephant cup, a clown hat, a light up tiara, and lots of smiles.  Hannah said her favorite part of the show was "all of it." However, she got extra excited over the motorcycle in the cage act.  That night for bed she wanted to read her circus program for her bed time story.  It was expensive, but I wouldn't take back a second of it.  She had so much fun, and she still lights up when she talks about it.  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Baby Girl

Remains unnamed right now.  I told David that he could pick out the name, right now he's leaning towards Riley.  According to Hannah, her name is Cinderella.  Yesterday, we were finally able to find out that it is a girl.  Everything else looks good, just as it should.  I've been feeling her move.  Almost everyday now, for about the last two weeks.  I'm really starting to get excited.  It's taken a little while.  I think partially because this is the second one and, unfortunately, there's just a little less excitement than there was with the first one.  We're slowly preparing for her.  We rearranged the bedrooms, giving the kids the smaller room to sleep in.  They're going to share a bedroom for now.  The bigger bedroom is going to be the playroom/guest room.  It's coming together nicely.  I kinda wish I had done it this way to begin with.  Nothing else really going on.  

I really like this picture.  Side profile shot.  

Those tiny things under the "Peace Daddy" is her two fingers.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A family of flu

Well I've got nothing better to do, so I figured I'd update on the circus here.  Saturday morning Hannah woke up with a fever.  I didn't check it, as mom I knew she was running a fever by simply touching her.  I gave her some motrin and it took the fever right down.  Hannah's friend Braylon, who I take to school with her, was out of school Thursday and Friday for a fever/virus deal, so I figured it might be the same thing.  Hannah played outside and around 2 pm came in and laid down on the recliner.  A few minutes later she said she was freezing.  I knew something was wrong immediately.  Hannah is the hottest Cernock ever, the girl never gets cold!  So I gave her some more motrin, and took her temp.  It was just over 103.  Over the course of the next 6 hours, David and I couldn't get her fever down.  Even with medicine, it wouldn't drop below 102.  So we packed her up and headed to the Emergency room.  After it was all said and done at the ER, they concluded she had a virus they had been seeing go around.  The doctor offered to do a strep test and a flu test but after discussing it with him, we opted out of those tests.  Neither the doctor, nor David and I did not think she had either one of those.  Her throat didn't hurt and the only symptoms she had was a high fever.  The next day I talked to Braylon's mom the next day, and Braylon's symptoms were identical.  He had been to the ER on Thursday night and tested negative for strep and the flu.  After talking to her, we felt even more confident that Hannah had this virus.  Sunday was rough.  Hannah didn't eat or drink anything!  She wasn't going to the bathroom.  We were getting ready to take her back to the ER for dehydration when she finally showed some interested in drinking.  We decided to see how she was in the morning, and take her to Pediatric office if necessary.  Monday comes, she's still running a fever but showing an interest in eating and drinking.  Then she starts complaining about neck pain.  Meanwhile, I've started to feel a little crappy.  I've slept all day and am thinking I've gotten the virus Hannah has.  So to the Peds office we go.  This was at 4.  After a small emergency at the Peds office, in which David the police officer stepped in to help, Hannah was tested for the flu.  It came back positive.  We were more than a little surprised and I was pretty freaked out.  See, I've never been tested for the flu but I normally have Hannah tested.  It was just laziness that had prevented her from being tested yet.  And in all honesty, the only thing that freaked my out was the fact that I was pregnant and probably would not be able to treat myself.  In short, I did have the flu.  And there was no way to treat it other than with regular, tablet, Tylenol.  I could take Tylenol Cold and Flu, except it has been recalled!  Four days later and we're starting to feel better.  Hannah was prescribed Tamiflu.  Her Dr. said that she wouldn't normally prescribe it to a small child but she thought it would help her get over it faster, and help my recovery.  Hannah started getting her energy back yesterday.  We're both going nuts from being stuck in the house.  I'm so ready to eat real food, I'm dreaming about cows.  I'm sending Hannah to school tomorrow and headed in to work.  I'm not all better, but I am feeling much better.  And I really need to get out of the house.  Plus, it's not doing me any good to stay home and try to recover with a 3 1/2 year old whose bouncing off the walls.  Lessons learned: do not forget to vaccinate your kids!  Even if you don't vaccinate yourself.  If I had vaccinated Hannah, she wouldn't have gotten the flu and brought it home to me!