It was the finale to many, many years of hard work. When I met David, I was going to school to be a nurse. It was a goofy decision. My dad had mentioned one time that he thought I would be a good one. Compliments from Garry Davis NEVER happened, which is why I allowed it to dictate my career choice at the time. Though right out of high school, I said I wanted to go to law school. My dad also told me he didn't think I had the patience to make through college, then law school. So David and I meet, during my first semester of college. We got married right after my second semester. Then he deployed. I went to school while he was gone. Then he came home and we had orders for Italy. So after 4 or 5 semesters, I can't remember exactly, I put school on hold to move to Italy. Going to school became mildly complicated after that. I took off a couple of semesters, so we could get settled and acclimated to living in a foreign country. When I was ready to go back to school, I faced more complications. Completing nursing school would be nearly impossible in Italy. I had no way to do clinicals. So David and I began to talk. He said he wasn't sure why I didn't go to school for criminal justice. He knew how much I loved it. I realized he was right. And I could do that from Italy. So I changed my career path. I finished my AS right after we moved back to the United States. I had to take a public speaking course, and it was the only class I couldn't do online. After completing my AS, I knew I wanted to go on for my BS. I found Western Carolina University, which had a BS in criminal justice in distance learning, meaning I could complete my degree online. I wasn't exactly thrilled about it, because I had been taking classes online for so long, I actually looked forward to sitting in a classroom. To this day, I will tell you that sitting in a classroom would be so much easier than than sitting in front of a computer. When you have a teacher, lecturing right in front of you, you are aware of everything they put emphasis on. It's not so clear in online classes, which can take some time to figure out between online communication.
All that brings me here, to this cabin in the mountains. Where I would walk the stage for my BS in Criminal Justice. I give all credit to Bob Cernock and Hannah Cernock. You see, I wasn't going to walk the stage. I had initially turned in my application saying "No" that I would not attend the ceremony. Then I got this email from Bob, telling me what an impact it would be for Hannah to see my walk across the stage and receive my diploma. As I read it, I knew he was right. I emailed the people at the school, and asked if I could change my answer to "Yes."
They did. We decided to make it a short weekend getaway. We found a cabin in Sylva, NC and decided to stay for 3 nights.
I may not have been able to enjoy a glass of bubbly to celebrate, so I made myself a bubble bath in the jetted tub. And sat in there for an hour reading. It was wonderful.
Sunrise, the morning of my graduation.
I was so nervous. I thought they'd forget to call my name. I know, it's ridiculous.
The girls, being silly upstairs.
Heading to the college.
Walking up to the auditorium.
I'm sitting close to the left end, in the 3rd or 4th row back.
They did not forget to call my name! Because Bob is so familiar with the graduation process, he had everyone positioned so I could see them well. So when I walked in to the auditorium, there was Hannah and David. And when I walked off the stage, after receiving my diploma, Hannah was standing right at the rail, waving at me.
Sunrise from our bedroom.
After graduation, we went out for dinner. Then went home and played Sorry for hours.
I'm glad I did it.