Monday, February 8, 2010

A Last Minute Trip to Chicago

Last week, David and I made a last minute trip up to Chicago.  His grandma, on his mom's side, went in to the hospital on life support with a 7 day directive.  This meant that she would only stay on life support for 7 days.  We found out Tuesday afternoon, we left first thing Wednesday morning.  David had an appointment at the VA clinic in WInston-Salem that day, that we could not change, so we drove there first and spent about 5 hours there.  At 330, we began our 12+ hours drive to Chicago.  It was such a long day.  We pulled into is grandma's house at 4 am NC time.  We've made a joint decision to not drive through the night anymore, it's just too hard.  I mean we get there at 3 am, Chicago time and Hannah's up 3 hours later.  The drive itself was uneventful, with only a little bit of snow.  The visit was nice, considering the circumstances.  His grandma did pass, very early Friday morning.  His other grandma turned 88 while we were there, so we were able to join in the birthday celebration.  We went Lucky's Sandwich Shop, the Science and Industry Museum, Half Priced Books, and Trader Joe's (I'll blog about that in another post).  Hannah loved the baby (Sir William) and she loved helping out with him.  

Putting make up on Carolyn

Great Grandma Cernock needed some make up too

David instructing Harrison and Hannah and the GI Joe figures

Hannah helping feed Sir William (Baby Will)

Happy 88th Grandma Cernock


Lori and Harrison 

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