Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hannah's first T-Ball Game

Success!  The game went as well as it could have gone for a 3 year olds first organized sporting event.  David stayed close by her for the practice and the game because she was a little uncomfortable without either one of us there.  He was so proud of his daughter.  He had a huge grin on his face the entire time.  They had a 20 minute practice and then a 20 minute game following.  The game consists of everyone hitting once.  Hannah batted first for her team and managed to make it all the way home, with the help of 3 other players.  We took her out for ice cream afterwards.  On the way to Dairy Queen, she told us she wanted to play again.  Success!  

1 comment:

grace said...

too freakin' cute. man, i loved t-ball when i was a kid, and there wasn't even an ice cream reward after the games! glad she had fun. :)