Hannah does not want to cut her hair. She wants to "grow it long like Rapunzel." About a week ago, I finally talked her in to trimming the dead ends off of her hair. You see, the length of her hair is something I am trying to let her have control over. It's something little and it helps her feel like she has a say so. Truthfully, I don't have an opinion one way or the other about the length of her hair. I explained that trimming the ends would help it grow faster and healthier. So she agreed and we headed off, just the two of us. Once there, she asked if she could have her hair washed. Once I found out it was included in the price, I told her to go for it. She LOVED that part.
She was a champ and held very still. She didn't get nervous or jumpy while
they were cutting her hair. She just smiled and chatted a lot.
She really liked the hair washing.
The end results. She has "side bangs', her choice!
I love it, Hannah! Beautiful!
What a wonderful experience for both of you ladies! Hannah, you are just such a pretty young lady and now you're such a pretty young lady with nicely trimmed hair. I kind of like the photo of you with the towl wrapped around your head, but the rest are pretty good too :) I love you..
Grandpa Bob
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