Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hannah explores her tastes

Sunday, downtown Naperville had trick or treating for kids.  We had originally planned to go downtown with our Sunday School group but Riley's croup interrupted those plans.  So David and Hannah went while I stayed home and nursed Riley.  Before they left, David and Hannah were watching an episode of Dirty Jobs that talked about clams.  Midway through their trick or treating, Hannah looked up and David and said "I think we should get some clams daddy."  With David and I being the lover of such a wide range of food, David felt he should jump all over this.  
And he did.  

She loved the crawfish.  A little later the topic of snails came up.  

When Hannah found out you could eat snails, she looked at David and said "I think we should try snails daddy."  Of course, David and I know how hard snails can be to come by.  However, they happened to be right downtown where he knew of a restaurant that served escargot was.  

The verdict: she loved them.  And devoured them.

The restaurant also served frog legs, so David got an order for Hannah.  What do you know, she loved them too.  

So at the day's end, David has spent a ridiculous amount of money on food but made unforgettable memories with Hannah.  Hannah even caught the attention of employees at both restaurants.  One employee commented that little kids always want hot dogs and macaroni and cheese and it surprised them to see a little kid want such adventurous food.  I'd call that a pretty fantastic day.  
My understanding is that manager over at Hugo's Frog Bar will not soon forget Hannah.  He even gave her his business card, and told her that the next time she comes in, she should ask for him and remind him that she's the kid that ate all the frog legs and snails.  


Susan said...

That is fantastic and so wonderful that David did that. What a great experience for the both of them.

Amoon said...

I guess Hannah and Riley have a pair of hands on parents with brilliant parenting ideas. They know how to enrich the lives of their children and have fun while they do it.

Dana said...

Sounds like a great cultural experience to me!