I'm done. On May 11th, I'll walk the stage and receive my bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.
It's taken a long time. I worked on my degree through many moves, including an international one. I keep going when I had my own personal struggles. I pushed through during the hard times with Riley.
I'm currently looking at Officer Candidate School with the Navy, law school at Campbell University and being a surrogate.
I must say, I feel a little like David. ; )
Congrats! I'm proud of you, Sam! Michael and I have been talking seriously about surrogacy as well. I love being pregnant, but we don't want more than two children (well, he doesn't, lol). I really want to give that gift to a special person.
Hmmmmm... can you be pregnant and in the service at the same time? If so, I'd vote for joining the Navy, have them send you to law school, and get pregnant between classes. Yes?
Your favorite father in law :)
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