Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Backyard beautiful

Over the last 6 weeks, we've been working to make the backyard more our style.  Our yard has a ton of shade, which is nice for sitting under but not so nice for growing things.  I know there's lots of shade plants, but I seem to gravitate towards those plants that need sun.  

These stick things were planted around most trees in our backyard.  

We decided to pull all those up.  

As usual, I was a little impatient, and jumped right in planting some vegetables.  They're doing ok, but if I could've waited until next year (but that's so far away) I would have had more success.  I have a lot of plants I plan on moving so that I can utilize the area of the yard that receives the most sun.  

Flowers to go around the tree.  

What will be vegetable garden area.  I've put some stuff there but I'll move most of the plants this fall in order to use this space next year.  

These red plants are doing great, and are at least triple this size now.  

I've put feeders in front of the three windows in my kitchen.  I have seed feeders on the small, side windows and a hummingbird feeder in front of the large, middle window.  

The most recent addition to our backyard is this bird bath.  It was a gift from my mom and Art.  I LOVE it.  The first time I saw a bird, a robin, splashing in the water, I got so excited!  

This was yesterday.  Hannah and I were at the table, eating breakfast, as saw this.  I also saw a squirrel enjoying the bath this morning.  

There's so much more we want to do, but it takes time...and money!  So we're pacing ourselves, as best we can.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of it looks grand and the added treats brought about by all of this, such as birds bathing and hummingbirds humming, is a most delightful bonus. Happy for you all.

Grandpa Bob