These are just some random photo's taken over the last month.
Here is Hannah, putting together a model of the ear. She did this while reading the story of Helen Keller.
Joshua playing the xylophone. This was given to Riley two christmas' ago. Recently Joshua has become infatuated with it, he plays it all the time.
For the co-op, Hannah had to do a report on a person from non fiction book that she's read. Hannah decided to do her Alexander Graham Bell. She did a great job drawing Bell. She presented the speech, well half of it, just like this.
David and Hannah, putting together a puzzle.
Joshua's little red wagon that he got from Grandpa Bob for his birthday.
I had a picture of Riley doing this, but I don't know what happened to it! This was what we did for Riley's school work a few weeks ago. She made about 10 different animal creations. on this picture, Riley picked out and attached on her own: the ears, eyes, nose and mouth.
Hannah, at a recent dr.'s visit. I took this picture to show off her outfit; it's all her own folks!
Seriously, how cute is this guy!
Here is Riley and David playing kismet. They were a team. Riley rolled the dice for David. She was an excellent dice roller, and thoroughly enjoyed it.
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