Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holiday Baking: Wrap Up

I threw both of these together the day we left for Chicago.  I mean, we had to have cookies to leave out for Santa.!  I've had mint chocolate chips in the cabinet for awhile now, waiting for a good recipe to come along.  This one caught my eye:

They were easy to throw together and I didn't make a mess of every bowl in my kitchen.  

I stumbled across a recipe for gingerbread and decided I had to have some.  I just couldn't stop thinking about gingerbread, even though it's not something I'm crazy about.  
Talk about easy!  

Gingerbread going in the Oven.

Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a photo of the finished gingerbread.  But it was SO GOOD!  It was fluffy and perfectly seasoned.  The ginger was NOT overpowering, which I think is really easy to do with ginger.  You could really taste the molasses and cinnamon as well.  Matter of fact, I think I'll make another one this week.  Talking about it so much has created another craving! 

These mint chocolate chippers were FANTASTIC.  If you like mint chocolate, then you need to make these.  I was skeptical about how much of the mint chocolate you would be able to taste, outside of eating an actual chip but you could smell the mint chocolate when you lifted the lid to this cookie tin.  The taste was very minty chocolate.  It had to be the Bailey's .  

Grandma Cernock's Egg Nog Recipe
The day we got there, David and Grandma decided to make egg nog for the following day.  

Following Grandma's instruction.  

They must've been searching for something.  

She's got a careful watch over David.  

David made a giant mess filling the jars. ; )  But he had a good time in the kitchen with his grandma.  This is the kind of thing that draws David to his grandma's house.  

The egg nog was fantastic.  I like egg nog.  Partly because it's a seasonal thing, and I only enjoy it during the Christmas season.  However, beating the yolks and whites is so key in a good egg nog recipe.  Not a problem for Grandma, who has a nice counter top mixer.  This will be my next kitchen appliance!  

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