Thursday, January 26, 2012


In getting the pictures off my iphone!  Ya see, every once in awhile it's good to restart your laptop.  It's something I don't do as often as I should.  And apparently I just needed to restart my laptop and now all works well.  

Hannah and Riley on Sunday. 

They're watching PBS Kids

Biter Biscuits, there's nothing better for a teething kid

When there are no biscuits, tigger will work

Hannah's school went to see Beauty and Beast, so Hannah dressed 
up as Belle.  Moments like these, I think: How did I raise  child that turned out like this?"

This was one of Hannah's Christmas presents from Santa.  I really like it.
I helped create this one.  

It's a Create Your Own Puzzle.  I'm going to put a glaze over it so that it lasts longer
The pack came with 2 blank puzzles.  I asked David to draw a picture on the second
for Hannah to color in.  I helped Hannah with this one.  

Putting it together.

So there's the girls' update.  Off to wake up Hannah.  Happy Thursday!

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