Since the end of last year Hannah will snag my camera any time it's laying in her reach and start taking photo's. It started because she naturally wanted to play with it after seeing mommie with it so much. I thought it would just be easier to teach her how to use it, rather than tell her no every time I want to take a photo. It worked. She has yet to throw it or mistreat it in any way, instead she has always tried to take pictures with it. And now she's getting pretty good, at least I think she is! So I thought I'd start posting some of her photo's to see what everyone else thinks of my 2 year olds' photography. And I have no idea why the other writing on this is showing up as a link. I don't know why I have so many problems with this site!!
Vivian does that too, but so far she has only taken pictures of the floors in each room of the house.
I'm still not ready to let Lem play with my camera, although he loves looking at the pictures I've taken. He has discovered taking pictures with my phone, which is fine with me. They are mostly of his finger covering the lens.
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