Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Past Due..Decorating for Christmas

We decorated our house and tree with tradition, at least the tradition I had growing up, the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I absolutely LOVE decorating for christmas.  It was probably my favorite tradition surrounding christmas.  It puts me in such a good mood.

Our tree.  

Spreading out the lights.  We learned that Christmas have a 10 year life span.  At least ours did.  We know this because every single light strand we owned went out this year and we've had them since our first Christmas together.  However, they will all go out over the course of 5 hours, causing you to make multiple trips to the store.  

Hannah really got in to it this year.  

She liked putting many ornaments on the same branch.  

We have a smaller tree in the kitchen, in front of the back doors.  I let Hannah have carte blanche with that tree.  

This is the prettiest tree we've had.  It's full and even.  I love Christmas trees. 

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Looks beautiful! Real trees have such a great smell to them!