Friday, March 30, 2012

Quite the Coincidink

This is Kelly.  We met in 6th grade.  We were both on Battle of the Books together and became friends.  For various times during junior and high school we pretty much lived together.  Of course, we had those very girl like spats, but we always got it over after some time.  When Kelly was in 8th grade, she met a guy in a chat room.  It was way back when AOL and chat rooms were really popular.  His name was Casey and he lived in Chicago.  


Today, Kelly is married to Casey.  They live in Downer's Grove, just outside Chicago.  

She's probably going to complain about her facial expression in this one.  

Today, Kelly and I have been friends for most of our life, the best of friends.  Except when we're mad at each other. ; )





I wish I had some more photo's on this laptop, I've got some good one's from 8th and 9th grade.  

So what are the odd's that someone I grew up with in Fayetteville now lives in another state, the same city and state that David and I have relocated to?  I don't know but I'm thinking they're slim odds.  
And, I'm pretty happy that someone I love so much is so close now!  She's pregnant, due in May.  I'm excited for Hannah and Jay, her little girl, to grow up together; and Riley and Layla (the baby in her belly).  I have big plans for us Kel!!

1 comment:

KT said...

That is so awesome! I think if I had to move, making friends would be what I most feared. So it's great that your oldest friend is nearby! That's serendipity!

Katie- Hems For Her